- Migrering til Azure
- SQL Server drift og utvikling
- SQL Server konsolidering
- SQL Server tuning
- Artikler
- Utvikling av app og web-applikasjoner
- Availability Groups
- Filtered indexes
- How to fix a corrupt index in SQL Server
- Index hint og update statistics
- Information in English for SQL DBA
- Installasjon av SQL Server 2012 for SharePoint 2013
- Migrering av Oracle databaser til SQL Server eller Azure
- Restore av en SQL database
- SQL Server 2016
- SQL instanse for SharePoint 2013
- sp_who2
- Kontakt
- Kundereferanser SQL kurs og oppdrag
- Kurs i SQL Server 2019
- SQL Server overvåking
Information in English for SQL DBA
We know you are dedicated!
Your database is dedicated to deliver business value to your organization.
Unplanned downtime or sluggish performance on any of your dedicated databases spells mishap and lost business value and often worse; lost trust among the users of your services, regardless if they are external or internal customers.
A dedicated database deserves a dedicated database administrator (DBA) that is our motto at SQLDBA.
Perhaps you have a dedicated DBA or even an entire team of DBAs taking care of many databases.
Still not enough hours to give all those dedicated databases the love and tender caring that they long for?
Or you are one of those DBA by accident, chance or necessity, perhaps you spend most of your time working as a developer or BI analyst?
You might even be a concerned CEO or CFO fearing that your valuable database is being neglected?
You could hire another DBA or perhaps automate some of the DBA tasks, or get the proper tool for the job. We at SQLDBA can help you with that as well.
Give us a call today or contact us through the website: www.sqldba.no
We love to talk to you about our database dedication!